6 Кастрычнік 2024
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Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Падчас тэлебрыфінгу кіраўнік Адміністрацыі прэзідэнта Уладзімір Зяленскі Андрэй Ермак заявіў, што бакі, верагодна, сустрэнуцца зноў і спадзяюцца на прарыў у абмене палоннымі і адкрыццё кантрольна-прапускных пунктаў на ўсходзе Украіны.
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Nearly nine hours of talks between Ukraine and Russia on Thursday failed to produce a breakthrough on signing a joint document, but both sides agreed to keep talking, the chief of staff to Ukraine's president said after the talks in Berlin
NBC Interview: Asked what scenario could prompt him to send troops to rescue Americans fleeing the country, Biden replied: "There's not. That's a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another
"American citizens should leave [Ukraine] now," Biden told NBC. "It's not like we're dealing with a terrorist organization. We're dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. It's a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly"
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Moscow hopes that Kyiv will have the prudence not to start hostilities, - Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of the Russian presidential administration, after the talks
Ні прарываў, ні сумеснага дакумента. Але атрымалася так, як сталася, — сказаў Андрэй Ермак пасля 9 гадзін перамоў2 рок таму
Ні прарываў, ні сумеснага дакумента. Але атрымалася так, як сталася, — сказаў Андрэй Ермак пасля 9 гадзін перамоў
New @StateDept/@USEmbassyKyiv alert for Ukraine again tells US citizens to leave the country now. "If remaining in Ukraine, exercise increased caution due to crime, civil unrest, and potential combat operations should Russia take military action
New military camp near Novoozerne, Crimea2 рок таму
New military camp near Novoozerne, Crimea
Russia suddenly abandoned the blockage of the Sea of ​​Azov2 рок таму
Russia suddenly abandoned the blockage of the Sea of ​​Azov
Minister of Defense of Ukraine: Two more birds in Kyiv. Javelins, grenades & other defensive ammunition for @ArmedForcesUkr. 130 tons from U.S. was delivered today. In general now we got 15th birds with 1200 tones2 рок таму
Minister of Defense of Ukraine: Two more birds in Kyiv. Javelins, grenades & other defensive ammunition for @ArmedForcesUkr. 130 tons from U.S. was delivered today. In general now we got 15th birds with 1200 tones
Images 15-18: near Kursk, Russia. (all from Maxar)2 рок таму
Images 15-18: near Kursk, Russia. (all from Maxar)
New satellite imagery of Russian troop deployments from  Maxar, taken over past 24 hours. Images 1-4 from Crimea, Oktyabraskoye air field2 рок таму
New satellite imagery of Russian troop deployments from Maxar, taken over past 24 hours. Images 1-4 from Crimea, Oktyabraskoye air field
First  @Maxar showing Oktyabrskoye airfield. The rest showing Novoozernoye buildup2 рок таму
First @Maxar showing Oktyabrskoye airfield. The rest showing Novoozernoye buildup
Стрэльба ЗРК 9К330 Тор у Новым Осколе2 рок таму
Стрэльба ЗРК 9К330 Тор у Новым Осколе
British Typhoon jets met up with American B-52 bombers off the coast of Scotland today to snap a few photos as the bombers arrived in the United Kingdom, here are a few of them2 рок таму
British Typhoon jets met up with American B-52 bombers off the coast of Scotland today to snap a few photos as the bombers arrived in the United Kingdom, here are a few of them
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The press conference of Andriy Yermak, head of Ukraine president's office and Ukraine’s representative at today's talks of Normandy four advisors in Berlin, has been delayed for 1,5h and is scheduled for 20:30 local time. The talks began at 13:00
Russia has already deployed nearly 100 of the military's 168 battalion-tactical groups and dispatched personnel and equipment from six of the seven Russian special operations units, called Spetsnaz, according to a US intelligence assessment
Military convoy with Iskander filmed today in Oryol region2 рок таму
Military convoy with Iskander filmed today in Oryol region
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Lavrov discussed by phone with the Italian Foreign Minister the situation in eastern Ukraine and the issue of security guarantees, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
New deployment at Krynychky firing range in Crimea2 рок таму
New deployment at Krynychky firing range in Crimea
The Presidents of Poland and Ukraine @AndrzejDuda @ZelenskyyUa held consultations on the latest international talks and exchanged information. President Duda told Ukrainian leader about the Weimar Triangle summit and the talks in Beijing2 рок таму
The Presidents of Poland and Ukraine @AndrzejDuda @ZelenskyyUa held consultations on the latest international talks and exchanged information. President Duda told Ukrainian leader about the Weimar Triangle summit and the talks in Beijing
У Суземцы Бранскай вобласці здымалі вайсковую калону2 рок таму
У Суземцы Бранскай вобласці здымалі вайсковую калону
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Міністэрства замежных спраў Беларусі выклікала амбасадара Украіны ў сувязі са сцягам у Дняпры
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Johnson: We support the sovereignty and security of Ukraine against the Russian escalation
Міністр абароны Польшчы: амерыканскія знішчальнікі F15 прыбываюць сёння на авіябазу Ласка, каб падтрымаць усходні фланг у рамках місіі NATOAirPolicing
Прэм&39;ер-міністр @morawieckim пасля перамоваў з @BorisJohnson: палітычная мэта Пуціна - разваліць NATO, таму мы павінны паказаць, наколькі мы адзіныя, таму што мы адзіныя2 рок таму
Прэм'ер-міністр @morawieckim пасля перамоваў з @BorisJohnson: палітычная мэта Пуціна - разваліць NATO, таму мы павінны паказаць, наколькі мы адзіныя, таму што мы адзіныя
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Pribytki air base south of Gomel: satellite images showing helicopters deployed as well as the usual equipment (tents and vehicles). + Construction work is underway at airfield