22 Сьнежань 2024
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Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Ракетны ўдар па Гастомелю
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У Кіеве прагрымеў моцны выбух
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Boris Johnson:This is a catastrophe for our continent. I will make an address to the nation this morning on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I will also speak to fellow G7 leaders and I am calling for an urgent meeting of all NATO leaders as soon as possible
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Расейскі карабель увайшоў ва ўкраінскія тэрытарыяльныя воды каля вострава Змяіны
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Новая Кахоўка: расейская авіяцыя запусціла ракету. Каля горада знаходзяцца расейскія войскі
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Украіна разарвала дыпламатычныя адносіны з Расіяй, - Зяленскі
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German foreign minister says EU, NATO, G7 to launch 'massive sanctions' against Russia
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Reportedly three military facilities in Lviv have been targeted. Sirens in the Polish border village of Medyka were activated
Poland's President @Andrzejduda: We stand by Ukraine as its neighbors, as NATO, as EU2 рок таму
Poland's President @Andrzejduda: We stand by Ukraine as its neighbors, as NATO, as EU
Паведамляецца, што на дарогах пад Харкавам працягваюцца баі,2 рок таму
Паведамляецца, што на дарогах пад Харкавам працягваюцца баі,
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Прэм'ер-міністр Джонсан старшынюе на экстранным паседжанні COBR, каб разгледзець пытанне аб рэакцыі Вялікабрытаніі на страшныя атакі з боку Расеі.
Photos of what looks like a Kh-31P anti-radar air-to-ground missile wreckage in Kyiv2 рок таму
Photos of what looks like a Kh-31P anti-radar air-to-ground missile wreckage in Kyiv
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Кіраўнік акупацыйнай улады Крыму заявіў, што разлічвае атрымаць ваду з Дняпра ў бліжэйшы час
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports that at 9:40, an unmarked helicopter from Belarus fired on the bridge in front of the Slavutych checkpoint (near Chernihiv). No casualties were reported2 рок таму
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports that at 9:40, an unmarked helicopter from Belarus fired on the bridge in front of the Slavutych checkpoint (near Chernihiv). No casualties were reported
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МУС Украіны: расейская ваенная тэхніка парушыла дзяржаўныя межы ў Чарнігаўскай, Сумскай, Луганскай і Харкаўскай абласцях
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The Russian military announce "planned exercises" of "peacekeepers" in the Transnistria Russian-controlled region of Moldova that borders Ukraine in the west
The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, announced after the meeting of the Supreme Security Council that the Government will ask Parliament to declare a State of Emergency in the country in the context of the war in Ukraine2 рок таму
The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, announced after the meeting of the Supreme Security Council that the Government will ask Parliament to declare a State of Emergency in the country in the context of the war in Ukraine
Geolocation of footage showing Ukrainian civilian killed by Russian artillery2 рок таму
Geolocation of footage showing Ukrainian civilian killed by Russian artillery
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Відэа калоны расейскіх вайскоўцаў, якая ўваходзіць у Херсонскую вобласць з акупаванага Крыма
Відэа калоны расейскіх вайскоўцаў, якая ўваходзіць у Херсонскую вобласць з акупаванага Крыма
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Прэзідэнт Украіны заклікае армію нанесці найбольшыя страты акупацыйным войскам
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The Polish president has stated that Poland, acting in cooperation with its NATO and EU allies, will jointly respond to the Russian brutal aggression and will not leave Ukraine without support
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Ukraine's interior ministry: columns of Russian tanks entered Luhansk region. The enemy cynically put cars with white OSCE flags in front of their tanks. The battle is going on. Ukraine's border guard, National guard and the army are holding the line
Arms depot hit. Kalynivka, Vinnytsia2 рок таму
Arms depot hit. Kalynivka, Vinnytsia
Жыхароў Крывога Рогу эвакуіруюць пасля ракетнага абстрэлу танкаў танкавай брыгады
In the area of settlements of Kopani and Ivanovo of the Kherson area servicemen fight with the enemy. In the Skadovsk area, the border commandant's office of the rapid response is being fired at from helicopters. It is currently known about 3 dead border guards. There are wounded2 рок таму
In the area of settlements of Kopani and Ivanovo of the Kherson area servicemen fight with the enemy. In the Skadovsk area, the border commandant's office of the rapid response is being fired at from helicopters. It is currently known about 3 dead border guards. There are wounded
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Украіна стварае міжнародную антыпуцінскую кааліцыю - прэзідэнт Зяленскі
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Kyiv conveyed its request to Turkey to close the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits for Russian warships, Ukrainian Embassy in Ankara says