5 Кастрычнік 2024
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Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
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In Sumy, a shell hit a residential building on Romenska Street. The impact destroyed and damaged homes. There are dead and injured. Among the victims are children.
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At night, the Russian army launched air strikes on the Sumy region. In Sumy, several houses were destroyed, some were killed, including children, - The head of the regional state administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi reported
Twitter is currently experiencing outages in multiple countries; incident not related to country-level internet disruptions or filtering2 рок таму
Twitter is currently experiencing outages in multiple countries; incident not related to country-level internet disruptions or filtering
President Zelensky decided to recall Ukrainian peacekeepers - from all missions in the world. Together with the equipment2 рок таму
President Zelensky decided to recall Ukrainian peacekeepers - from all missions in the world. Together with the equipment
Putin says will not send conscripts or reservists to Ukraine2 рок таму
It's propaganda
Putin says will not send conscripts or reservists to Ukraine
Recent footage from the eyes of the Bayraktar TB2 drone in the hands of the Ukrainian military. A 9K317 Buk-M2 TELAR, part of the infamous convoy, completely destroyed2 рок таму
Recent footage from the eyes of the Bayraktar TB2 drone in the hands of the Ukrainian military. A 9K317 Buk-M2 TELAR, part of the infamous convoy, completely destroyed
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Explosions in Odesa
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"Air space over Ukraine️ remains contested," says @PentagonPresSec,-Russian forces continue to fly their aircraft but do not have control of the skies, he adds
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Aid to help Ukraine forces "continues to flow" into Ukraine, says @PentagonPresSec without providing details
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Амбасадар ЗША ў Радзе Бясьпекі: Відавочна, што Пуцін мае плян разбурыць і тэрарызаваць Украіну
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U.S. envoy to the United Nations: UNICEF has confirmed the killing of dozens of children, and we believe that the number is greater
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The US envoy to the Security Council: An immediate cessation of hostilities is necessary to meet humanitarian needs
"As the Russians continue to get frustrated & slow down.they continue to rely more now on what we would call long-range fires" per @PentagonPresSec. That use of long-range strikes vs Ukraine cities is causing more casualties to civilians, he adds
Re: sending jets to backfill Polish jets: "We are working through some pretty complicated logistics on that front including how we would backfill because returning new planes and transferring serious weapon systems often takes years to do from the United States." -White House
4 fixed-wing aircraft (likely Belarussian) and 91  helicopters at Machulishchy Air Base in Belarus, yesterday 06 Mar 2022. The amount of helicopters, including 15x Mi-26, vastly exceed the size of the flag-Belarus Air Force, so they are likely Russian2 рок таму
4 fixed-wing aircraft (likely Belarussian) and 91 helicopters at Machulishchy Air Base in Belarus, yesterday 06 Mar 2022. The amount of helicopters, including 15x Mi-26, vastly exceed the size of the flag-Belarus Air Force, so they are likely Russian
Israeli FM: This evening, I met with @SecBlinken and @StateDept staff to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as the nuclear talks in Vienna2 рок таму
Israeli FM: This evening, I met with @SecBlinken and @StateDept staff to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as the nuclear talks in Vienna
A column of smoke is seen in Rechitsa, near the river Dnieper2 рок таму
A column of smoke is seen in Rechitsa, near the river Dnieper
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У Харкаве зноў чутны выбух. Тэрмінова ў прытулак
Дзергачы Харкаўскай вобласці: загінулі 3 мірныя жыхары, 15 параненыя, 4 з іх параненыя. дзяцей у выніку абстрэлаў суполкі2 рок таму
Дзергачы Харкаўскай вобласці: загінулі 3 мірныя жыхары, 15 параненыя, 4 з іх параненыя. дзяцей у выніку абстрэлаў суполкі
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Узброеныя сілы Украіны паведамляюць пра 2 расейскія самалёты, збітыя ў 20:30 і 21:10 пад Кіевам
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2 расейскія авіяўдары па нафтабазах у Жытоміры і Чарняхове, без ахвяр
Сёння ў @ POTUS адбыўся бяспечны відэасувязь з прэзідэнтам Макронам, канцлерам Шольцам і прэм'ер-міністрам Джонсанам. Лідэры пацвярджаюць сваю рашучасць працягваць нарошчваць выдаткі Расеі на яе несправакаванае і неабгрунтаванае ўварванне ва Украіну
Абстрэлы ў Лысічанску
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Сёння ў Забуччы быў абстраляны дом
Выбух на поўначы Жытоміра2 рок таму
Выбух на поўначы Жытоміра
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Mykolaiv Governor: 8 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in a Russian air strike today
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In Staromayorsk, Russian army take away people's food, fuel and equipment