乌克兰军方在Novopil和Velyka Novosilka之间的前线摧毁了8辆俄罗斯坦克和3辆装甲运兵车
众议院以 417-10 票通过了 S. 3522 – 2022 年乌克兰民主国防租借法案
S. 3522,2022 年乌克兰民主国防租借法案,已通过美国众议院,并前往拜登总统的办公桌前签字。该法案通过暂时放弃某些限制,授予拜登总统扩大向乌克兰提供国防物品的权力
2 年 前 赫尔松地区的 TB2 无人机:损坏的性质与之前被击落的另一架无人机完全相同,大概也是 3 月底在赫尔松州被击落的——坠机现场的第一张照片于 4 月 2 日发布
哈尔科夫和地区的炮击今天造成 5 人死亡 11 人受伤 - 地区行政主管
众议院通过了 H. Res。 1065 – S. 3522 的规则 – 2022 年乌克兰民主国防租借法案,以 220-205 票通过
"俄罗斯不能随意重绘地图以满足自己的目的",加拿大的@AnitaAnandMP "主权国家不能从地图上抹去,@NATO 不能分裂"
#Ukraine officials - "they believe that long-range fires will be key in their efforts going forward" per @SecDef, who says US working to provide them as quickly as possible for the fight in the #Donbas
国防部长奥斯汀在五角大楼会面后与加拿大国防部长安妮塔·阿南德进行简报,讨论乌克兰,"我们通过 NORAD 指挥部保护我们的家园的共同责任"
"Air defense has been a critical aspect of this entire fight" in #Ukraine, per @SecDef "We need to make sure we are providing them [#Ukraine] with air defense systems if they are taken out" by #Russia, he says "We will continue to use those systems that are most effective"
Russian missile hit first floors of residential building in Kyiv. At least 3 wounded
US, #Canada spoke not just about #Ukraine but also about "a free & open #IndoPacific" per @SecDef
2 年 前 卡车从俄罗斯占领的梅利托波尔运往俄罗斯。俄罗斯偷走乌克兰粮食
2 年 前 俄罗斯军队用 MLRS Grad 炮击了 Velyka Kostromka。 1人死亡
乌克兰总统办公室顾问:@antonioguterres 正式访问期间,导弹袭击了基辅市中心。前一天他正坐在克里姆林宫的一张长桌旁,而今天爆炸声就在他头顶。来自莫斯科的明信片?回想一下为什么俄罗斯仍然在联合国安理会占有一席之地
2 年 前 法斯蒂夫发生爆炸的报道
高级国防官员说,乌克兰军队在乌克兰以外的几个系统上的训练仍在继续。这不仅包括榴弹炮,还包括 Q-64 短程防空雷达和 M113 装甲运兵车
这位高级国防官员说,截至今天,五角大楼估计在 63 天内向乌克兰发射了 1,900 多枚导弹。大多数人现在登陆马里乌波尔和顿巴斯地区
截至今天,五角大楼评估说,迄今为止,它已承诺向乌克兰提供的 90、155 毫米榴弹炮中有 60% 已运抵该国(大约 54 门)。这比昨天 90 的一半多
截至周四,五角大楼评估称,俄罗斯在战争中拥有大约 92 个营战术组。这比上周增加了好几个,因为普京的部队在早先失败后继续重置部队并将他们重新投入战争
On 20 February 2014 Russian Federation attacked Crimea, Ukraine.
Map tells story about war in Ukraine and Eastern Europe
Colors of conflict
Ukraine government, NATO, other western forces Russia, North Korea, Belarus, Iran, other Russian military allies Turkey, Turks, Azerbaijan Paramilitary groups, NGOs Non-aligned, Nature Areas control
Territories captured by Russian forces Approximate areas of Ukrainian control inside Russia Icons
Road accidents, cars Artillery, MLRS Airplanes, jets Helicopters Camps, tents Captured Dead Stabbing attacks Fires Injures/medicine Firebombs Police Gun shooting Speech, statement Stop, road block Tanks, APCs, armored vehicles Thugs, people in masks Nuke, radioctive materials Ship, Warship Gas, chemical weapons Drones, robots Rally, Protests, Demos, crowds Hostages and Refugees No Connection, Jamming, Radar Rifle Gun, armed men Explosion, blasts Shelling Trucks Hackers, computers Picture(photo) Food Money Press Phone Fort Video Destruction Landmines, IEDs Crane, construction Railway House Anti-air, SAM No Water Rocket Submarine Twitter Facebook Electricity, blackout Biohazard Nature, disasters Stocks Transport or civil plane Rescue operation Natural resource Mobile, applications Drugs Earthquake Floods 海啸 Animals, wildlife Sports Map Volcano Snow Pollution Manpads 腐败 Satellite Alcohol Arrested Sun Bus Animals: Cat Animals: Dog Stocks Down Animals: Snake ATGM Animals: Panda(rare animals) Animals: Horse Animals: Cow Animals: Lion Animals: Shark Animals: Wolf Supply Flares Animals: Bear Machine Gun Stun grenade Airplanes: light plane Motobike Balloon Bulldozer Cruise Missile FPV drone Map Change Event Missile Airborne Quadcopter(Mavic) Large explosive drone(Shahed) Tractor Tunnel Air Alert Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
Important venue Water facility Attention! All events and areas of control on the map are geolocated approximately