30 June 2024
2 year ago
Lebanese Hezbollah has "categorically denied" that any Hezbollah fighters or warfare experts are embedded alongside Russian forces battling in Ukraine
2 killed, 3 wounded as result of shelling on civilian infrastructure in Avdiyivka today2 year ago
2 killed, 3 wounded as result of shelling on civilian infrastructure in Avdiyivka today
A new montage of clips from the Ukrainian Air Force's TB-2 drones, both observations of artillery fire on Kherson Air Base a few days ago, and unspecified/older footage of artillery and drone munition strikes against Russian convoys2 year ago
A new montage of clips from the Ukrainian Air Force's TB-2 drones, both observations of artillery fire on Kherson Air Base a few days ago, and unspecified/older footage of artillery and drone munition strikes against Russian convoys
Firefighter killed, 5 wounded in double-tap strike at Natalivka village near Zaporizhiye
The Pentagon: Russian forces face great resistance in the vicinity of Kyiv
The Elysee: The French President shared with Putin his grave concern about Mariupol and again demanded an immediate commitment to the ceasefire
2 year ago
Zhytomyr(19:06). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Video: Russian equipment in Irpin river after failed attempts to cross it near Moschun, Kyiv region2 year ago
Video: Russian equipment in Irpin river after failed attempts to cross it near Moschun, Kyiv region
Destroyed Russian equipment at Snihurivka village in Mykolaiv region2 year ago
Destroyed Russian equipment at Snihurivka village in Mykolaiv region
Macron is currently on another call with Putin. This is their 15th call (or meeting) since the start of 2022
Sumy: as result of shelling big paint warehouse caught fire. Approximate area of fire: 6000 m2. Firefighters on the site2 year ago
Sumy: as result of shelling big paint warehouse caught fire. Approximate area of fire: 6000 m2. Firefighters on the site
2 year ago
Sumy(17:09). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Russian troops detained secretary of Nova Kakhovka city council Dmytro Vasilyev and holding him for 2 days
Biden-Xi call has ended after 110 minutes
2 year ago
Kyiv(17:00). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Hromadske: Our journalist Victoria Roshchyna is held captive by the Russian occupiers. She was reporting from hotspots in Eastern and Southern Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. On March 12, we couldn't contact Victoria
2 year ago
Kharkiv, Kharkivska Oblast(16:37). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Russian military column was destroyed near Trostyanets2 year ago
Russian military column was destroyed near Trostyanets
Five buses with evacuated Mariupol residents are already on the way from Berdyansk to Zaporizhia
2 year ago
Kramatorsk(16:18). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
U.S. has seen "little effort" from Russia to bring the Wagner Group and foreign fighters from Syria into Ukraine: U.S. Central Command chief Frank McKenzie
2 year ago
Zhytomyr(16:10). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
The Chinese president stresses during a phone call with Biden that conflicts and confrontations are not in anyone's interest
New UN Security Council session on developments in Ukraine
Ukraine President Zelensky says 130 people saved from Mariupol theatre bombing, 'hundreds' still trapped
Continuous shelling in Kharkiv, several fires2 year ago
Continuous shelling in Kharkiv, several fires
2 year ago
Downing Street says Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy this morning and "reiterated his disgust at Russia's barbaric actions in Ukraine and his admiration for the steadfast resistance of the Ukrainian people in the face of tyranny"
2 year ago
Ukrainian President: We do not have the capabilities to confront Russia's missiles and aircraft
2 year ago
Broadcasting of Putin speech at "Rossiya 24" haas abruptly interrupted. Earlier footage on air
Belgium to send additional military support to Ukraine: weapons, ammo, protective equipment and night vision goggles, etc. All produced by Belgian companies such as FN Herstal, @sioenindustries and OIP. - Belgian Minister of Defense @DedonderLudivin to @lesoir