30 June 2024
2 year ago
Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Protesters in Tehran chant "Death to Putin" and "Viva Peace" in front of the Ukrainian embassy
2 year ago
Ukrainian Railways Ukrzaliznytsia: All rail links to Russia destroyed. The state rail service announced that all railway tracks from Russia to Ukraine have been blown up by Ukraine's armed forces
Russian military deployed at former Berdyansk airport2 year ago
Russian military deployed at former Berdyansk airport
2 year ago
Germany approves rocket-launcher deliveries to Ukraine: government source
2 year ago
1 civilian killed as result of Russian army shelling bus in Kharkiv region
3 killed civilians killed in Borodyanka of Kyiv region as result of Russian army shelling2 year ago
3 killed civilians killed in Borodyanka of Kyiv region as result of Russian army shelling
2 year ago
Big explosion heard in Kyiv
Belgium will deploy 300 troops to Romania as part of NATO reinforcement and send machine guns to Kyiv, as Russia pounded targets in Ukraine with artillery and cruise missiles for a third day
Airspace over Ukraine remains contested, U.S. official says, in contradiction to expectations before the invasion that Russia would quickly seize control of the skies. Ukrainian jets and air-defense systems are active and continue to "engage and deny," U.S. official says
Large military convoy near Zdvyzhivka village of Kyiv region2 year ago
Large military convoy near Zdvyzhivka village of Kyiv region
French Presidency: A ceasefire in Ukraine cannot be achieved under "unacceptable" Russian conditions
Tens of thousands of people gathered at Tallinn's Freedom Square to support Ukraine. Similar events across Estonia Estonia
Sirens sounding in Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernyhiv, Vinnytsa, Lviv, Ternopil and Volyn region intermittently all the day
Russian tanks on the way to Mariupol from Berdyansk direction2 year ago
Russian tanks on the way to Mariupol from Berdyansk direction
Two KLM flights to destinations in Russia have turned around and seem to be returning home
Ukrainian military captured 2 Russian servicemen in Chernihiv region, one of them - unit commander2 year ago
Ukrainian military captured 2 Russian servicemen in Chernihiv region, one of them - unit commander
Russia has fired over 250 mostly short-range ballistic missiles into Ukraine since start of invasion, Russian forces have so far failed to capture any major cities: U.S. official
In Przemys, about fifteen kilometers from the Ukrainian border, the army, rail security, police and several volunteers have been on the bridge since Thursday to distribute soups, tea and extra accommodation
2 year ago
Greek Foreign Ministry expresses its disgust and unequivocally condemns Russian airstrikes killing two expatriates and injuring six on the outskirts of the village of Sartana in eastern Ukraine
Cutting Russia off from SWIFT a "matter of days" - euro zone central banker
2 year ago
Ministry of Defense of Latvia: I just got out of box proposal how to end the Russian aggression. West announces that every Russian soldier which surrenders to Ukrainians will receive asylum in the West. I think its victorious idea from artist Aigars Bikše. Countries which do not give weapons to UA give asylum
2 year ago
Kyiv city mayor has imposed a curfew that would last from Saturday evening until Monday morning without breaks, the mayor's office said, clarifying an earlier announcement
Multiple dead among civilian population as result of MLRS attack on Sartana, close to Mariupol2 year ago
Multiple dead among civilian population as result of MLRS attack on Sartana, close to Mariupol
Poland's president @andrzejduda: Poland supports the express path of Ukraine's EU membership. Candidate status should be granted immediately and membership negotiations initiated instantly thereafter. Ukraine should also have access to EU funds for reconstruction. Ukraine deserves it
Romania closes its airspace to Russian aircraft
2 year ago
Turkey Bans Russia warships from entering the Black Sea. Zelensky announces move after call with Erdogan
2 year ago
Erdogan in a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart: Turkey is making efforts for an immediate ceasefire