27 Wrzesień 2024
2 rok temu
Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 rok temu
Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 rok temu
Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Sec Blinken: For security reasons, Department of State personnel currently in Lviv will spend the night in Poland.  Our personnel will regularly return to continue their diplomatic work in Ukraine and provide emergency consular services”2 rok temu
Sec Blinken: "For security reasons, Department of State personnel currently in Lviv will spend the night in Poland. Our personnel will regularly return to continue their diplomatic work in Ukraine and provide emergency consular services”
WH spokesperson: "We plan to announce new sanctions on Russia tomorrow (Tuesday) in response to Moscow's decisions and actions today. We are coordinating with allies and partners on that announcement
2 rok temu
All State Dept personnel are out of Ukraine now, relocated to a hotel in Poland. The US alerted high-ranking Ukrainian officials beforehand. They also notified other allies, but unclear if those embassies electing to follow suit
On today's Sentinel-1 pass (21 Feb), the line likely to be a convoy is larger and closer to the Ukraine border.  The pontoon bridge is still in place on the Belarus side.  The southern end of the convoy is 0.3 mi (0.48km) from the border2 rok temu
On today's Sentinel-1 pass (21 Feb), the line likely to be a convoy is larger and closer to the Ukraine border. The pontoon bridge is still in place on the Belarus side. The southern end of the "convoy" is 0.3 mi (0.48km) from the border
2 rok temu
Ukraine's foreign minister says he will meet Blinken in D.C. tomorrow
2 rok temu
Zelensky: In accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter, Ukraine reserves the right for individual and collective self-defense. We can distinguish between the provocations and the offensive of the aggressor's troops
2 rok temu
Zelensky: It undermines peaceful efforts and destroys existing negotiation formats. With today's and, possibly, tomorrow's decisions, Russia is legalizing its troops, which have actually been in the occupied territories of Donbas since 2014
2 rok temu
President Zelensky: All responsibility for these decisions are made by Russia's political leadership. Recognition of the independence of the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions mean Russia's unilateral withdrawal from the Minsk agreements, and them ignoring decisions within Normandy format
2 rok temu
Zelensky in an address to Ukrainian people: Ukraine is within its internationally recognized borders, and will remain so. Despite any statements and actions of the Russian Federation. We remain calm and confident. I want to thank all our citizens for this
2 rok temu
President Zelensky: After the NSDC meeting, discussed the current situation with @BorisJohnson. Now we are urgently preparing an address and after that, talks with @eucopresident and @RTErdogan are planned
Videos spread of Russian forces entering eastern Ukraine
Here's the readout of the @POTUS call with @ZelenskyyUa
Poland's President @andrzejduda: - Russia undermines the order of Europe - need for great unity and a firm attitude by NATO, the EU and the countries of our region. Only a tough stance and political defense of Ukraine can stop the aggressor - Sanctions immediately
Secretary Blinken: Kremlin recognition of the so-called "Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics" as "independent" requires a swift and firm response, and we will take appropriate steps in coordination with partners
Military convoy filmed in Seretino, Belgorod region
2 rok temu
Putin nakazuje rosyjskim siłom zbrojnym pomoc władzom okupacyjnym w niektórych obwodach obwodu donieckiego i ługańskiego
2 rok temu
Vučić: The pressure on Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia has already begun
Video uploaded today from the Belgorod, Region of Russia shows a large column of about 45 tanks headed WEST in the direction of the border2 rok temu
Video uploaded today from the Belgorod, Region of Russia shows a large column of about 45 tanks headed WEST in the direction of the border
2 rok temu
Prezydent Zełenski: Omówił wydarzenia z ostatnich godzin z @POTUS. Rozpoczynamy posiedzenie Rady Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego i Obrony. Planowana jest również rozmowa z @BorisJohnsonem
Ursula von der Leyen:The recognition of the two separatist territories in Ukraine is a blatant violation of international law, the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the Minsk agreements. The EU and its partners will react with unity, firmness and with determination in solidarity with Ukraine
2 rok temu
Putin and heads of occupation authorities in parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine signed "Agreement on friendship" in Kremlin
2 rok temu
W swoim przemówieniu Putin uznał niepodległość okupowanych terytoriów Ukrainy
2 rok temu
Rozmieszczenie sprzętu rozpoznawczego na terytorium Ukrainy pozwoli im kontrolować nasze terytorium aż do Uralu - Putin
2 rok temu
Zdobycie taktycznej broni jądrowej dla Ukrainy będzie bardzo na wschód, zwłaszcza z zagranicznym wsparciem technicznym - Putin
Exclamation️Rosgvardiya troops went to the border with Ukraine  A column of the National Guard of Russia's troops, armored personnel carriers, Ural trucks was moving today (21.02) from Brahin district towards Kamaryn (Gomel region, Belarus), which is 1 km from the border with Ukraine2 rok temu
Exclamation️Rosgvardiya troops went to the border with Ukraine A column of the National Guard of Russia's troops, armored personnel carriers, Ural trucks was moving today (21.02) from Brahin district towards Kamaryn (Gomel region, Belarus), which is 1 km from the border with Ukraine
Putin is addressing Russians with pseudo-history passage2 rok temu
Putin is addressing Russians with pseudo-history passage
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday called an emergency national security meeting to address recent developments linked to the crisis in Ukraine, the Elysee Palace said on Monday