19 Сентябрь 2024
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:40). Белая Церковь, Васильков, Мироновка. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:39). Киев, Днепр, Черкассы, Краматорск. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:34). Киев. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Pentagon: U.S. military's top officer spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart today for the second time in five days
2 год назад
Canada approves sale of $7.8 in lethal military equipment to Ukraine. PM Trudeau says move being made in conjunction with U.S., UK and other allies in attempt to dissuade Russian aggression. Canada also offering additional $500M in loans, on top of $120M promise made last month
2 год назад
Kremlin Spokesman tells Russian President Putin is "willing to negotiate." He also said for Russia Ukraine is only part of a larger security issue. "it's a part of the bigger problem of security guarantees for Russia," Peskov said
Military convoy filmed in Prizrachnoye, Belgorod region2 год назад
Military convoy filmed in Prizrachnoye, Belgorod region
2 год назад
56 сотрудников посольства из Киева прибыли в воскресенье чартерным рейсом в аэропорт Даллес, имея с собой большинство секретных материалов посольства. Некоторые другие засекреченные системы были либо уничтожены, либо демонтированы, как и телекоммуникационная система
Royal Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III reg. ZZ175 RRR6812 RRR6813 is continuing from Kyiv Boryspil to Lviv Airport, both in Ukraine.  Pictures by @EHSBspotter and @DannyLemckert over the Netherlands earlier today2 год назад
Royal Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III reg. ZZ175 RRR6812 RRR6813 is continuing from Kyiv Boryspil to Lviv Airport, both in Ukraine. Pictures by @EHSBspotter and @DannyLemckert over the Netherlands earlier today
The White House: We saw an increase in Russian forces on the Ukrainian border
US readout of the @POTUS-@BorisJohnson call2 год назад
US readout of the @POTUS-@BorisJohnson call
2 год назад
Генеральный секретарь ООН: Миссия ООН продолжит работу в украинской столице
2 год назад
Ukraine's government has walked back Zelensky's comment and insists he was being "sarcastic" about naming the invasion date
2 год назад
US Sec of Def L. Austin to Belgium, Poland, and Lithuania tomorrow. "To discuss Russia's military buildup in and around Ukraine, reiterate the U.S. commitment to Article 5" - Pentagon
2 год назад
"There shouldn't be a need for evacuation assistance. There shouldn't be a need for people to have to flee their homeland" per @PentagonPresSec re Russia-Ukraine
2 год назад
Pentagon spokesman says he hasn't seen Zelensky's Facebok post but he is the president of Ukraine and can post on Facebook what he wants, when he wants
UK to send small number of troops to Lithuania to support with intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance. It follows the deployment in December of small team to scout out what support UK military could offer at time of crisis for Lithuania with Belarus over migrant crossings2 год назад
UK to send "small number" of troops to Lithuania to support with intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance. It follows the deployment in December of small team to scout out what support UK military could offer at time of crisis for Lithuania with Belarus over migrant crossings
2 год назад
Downing Street says Prime Minister Boris Johnson and U.S. President Joe Biden agree there remains a "crucial window for diplomacy and for Russia to step back from its threats towards Ukraine"
2 год назад
Pentagon says Russia has 'added' forces to Ukraine border and is doing 'all the things you would expect him to do' to invade. Russia could invade with 'little to no warning'
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declares Feb. 16 - the day some say Russian forces plane to invade - as a national Day of Unity . to strengthen the consolidation of Ukrainian society, strengthen its resilience in the face of growing hybrid threats2 год назад
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declares Feb. 16 - the day some say Russian forces plane to invade - as a national "Day of Unity . to strengthen the consolidation of Ukrainian society, strengthen its resilience in the face of growing hybrid threats
Вооруженные силы Украины сбили беспилотник с гранатой ВОГ-172 год назад
Вооруженные силы Украины сбили беспилотник с гранатой ВОГ-17
.@StateDept Is suspending functions at @USEmbassyKyiv. We are in the process of temporarily relocating our Embassy operations in Ukraine from our Embassy in Kyiv to Lviv due to the dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian forces, said @SecBlinken2 год назад
.@StateDept Is suspending functions at @USEmbassyKyiv. "We are in the process of temporarily relocating our Embassy operations in Ukraine from our Embassy in Kyiv to Lviv due to the dramatic acceleration in the buildup of Russian forces," said @SecBlinken
2 год назад
France's foreign minister warns 'all elements' are in place for 'major offensive' by Russia against Ukraine
Fresh Sentinel-1 SAR-imagery of Sevastopol, at 1536z today, shows that a number of BLKFLT ships have gone to sea since yesterday.  At least 4 x warships, 3-4 LSTs and prob 4 Tarantuls have left their moorings. Also several auxiliaries missing and Coast Guard pier is empty2 год назад
Fresh Sentinel-1 SAR-imagery of Sevastopol, at 1536z today, shows that a number of BLKFLT ships have gone to sea since yesterday. At least 4 x warships, 3-4 LSTs and prob 4 Tarantuls have left their moorings. Also several auxiliaries missing and Coast Guard pier is empty
Planet imagery acquired on 11FEB2021 showed that 11 x Su-25SM had relocated to Millervo east of Luhansk. The airbase hosts the 31 IAP which has been converting to the Su-30SM from the MIG-29 since 2015
RAF C-17A Globemaster III about to begin its descent into Kyiv from RAF Brize Norton.  Second flight to Kyiv in (just under) 24 hours2 год назад
RAF C-17A Globemaster III about to begin its descent into Kyiv from RAF Brize Norton. Second flight to Kyiv in (just under) 24 hours
2 год назад
Russia boosted its forces on Ukraine border over weekend: Pentagon
NATO ambs met today in Brussels again about the situation in & around Ukraine. they were briefed that the "situation has not changed substantially compared to Friday". NATO def mins meet on Wed-Thu with the participation of def mins from Ukraine, Georgia, Sweden & Finland
2 год назад
UK PM @BorisJohnson warned that an attack on Ukraine could occur in the next 48 hours
Rep. Adam Smith on MSNBC, following briefing by NSA Sullivan: Number of personnel still at US Embassy Kyiv is "very small." "if the invasion comes, we don't really have any way to protect [Americans]. So we're down to a very small number in the U.S. Embassy right now," he says