16 Февраль 2022
3 years ago
Воздушная тревога(13:40). Белая Церковь, Васильков, Мироновка. Всем срочно в укрытие!
3 years ago
Воздушная тревога(13:39). Киев, Днепр, Черкассы, Краматорск. Всем срочно в укрытие!
3 years ago
Воздушная тревога(13:34). Киев. Всем срочно в укрытие!
3 years ago
The European Parliament has now officially approved (598 for, 55 against, 41 abstentions) the 1.2 billion euro macro-financial assistance package for Ukraine. the hope is that the first disbursement can happen in early March
3 years ago
A U.S. official tells Reuters a service member assigned to the U.S. Embassy Kyiv experienced a "non-injury medical condition" and was transported to the Polish border where a U.S. Army MEDEVAC helicopter transported the service member to a local medical facility
3 years ago
Ukraine's Defence Minister says latest intelligence report shows no evidence of Russian withdrawal, still has 140,000 troops near borders
3 years ago
British troops and tanks have began leaving Sennelager in Germany and bases in the UK and are now on their way to Estonia to reinforce Nato allies
3 years ago
President Zelensky put into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against Shariy and Guzhva
3 years ago
Local media in Siret, Romania, reported that a UH-60 Black Hawk landed at Ukraine-Romania border crossing. Video was reportedly filmed today at the border
3 years ago
Ukrainian FM Dmytro Kuleba: We continue to demand transparency from Russia, which ignored yesterday's meeting in the framework of the Vienna Document
3 years ago
Russia has 'just as many troops' as before on Ukraine border: French foreign minister
3 years ago
NATO chief Stoltenberg: "What we see today is that Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack”
3 years ago
NATO will look into establishing new battle groups in Central and South-East regions within the alliance with a focus on Romania and the Black Sea region, per Stoltenberg
3 years ago
Polish of Ministry of National Defense: Min. @mblaszczak: There is a strong declaration of unity and solidarity towards Ukraine. Readiness to increase involvement on NATO's eastern flank, of course, as the situation develops. This is a message that was shared by all participants in today's meeting
3 years ago
NATO defense ministers say they are "gravely concerned" by Russia's "large scale, unprovoked and unjustified" military build up around Ukraine. "Russia's actions pose a serious threat to Euro-Atlantic security," the stmt says
3 years ago
.@jensstoltenberg says Russia's military moves show it is willing to contest the fundamental principles of Europe's security, including by using force. "This is the new normal in Europe
3 years ago
Speaking in Brussels, NATO's @jensstoltenberg calls the Russian threat vs Ukraine the "most serious security crisis in decades." "There are signs from Moscow diplomacy should continue. But so far we see no signs of de-escalation on the ground, not troops or equipment
3 years ago
"Russia maintains a massive invasion force ready to attack," @jensstoltenberg says. Russia's military buildup around Ukraine is "the biggest rally of forces in Europe since the Cold War”
3 years ago
These aggressive remarks by a spokesperson from China's MOFA during today's briefing are quite telling--an indication that China is further backing up Russia's rhetoric over Ukraine
3 years ago
Ukraine MoD said at start of DDoS they recorded 600,000 packets of malicious traffic per second and currently one bank is getting hit with 1mil. For perspective, Google was hit with DDoS in 2017 involving 2.54 terabites per sec targeting 180,000 web servers
3 years ago
.@SecBlinken speaking to a virtual #SummitforDemocracy says he will have to cut his remarks short because @POTUS has called him over to the White House for a meeting
3 years ago
The White House: President Joe Biden will speak by phone today with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz about Ukraine crisis
3 years ago
Russia's Investigative Committee claims mass graves of hundreds of civilians killed by Ukrainian shelling found
3 years ago
Right when Royal Air Force RC-135W Rivet Joint reg. ZZ664 RRR7217 enters Ukraine, United States Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk AE5420 FORTE11 leaves the country, presumably heading back to NAS Sigonella
3 years ago
.@SecBlinken says the US is not seeing evidence that Russia is pulling back troops from the border of Ukraine, despite Moscow's claims, and they "see forces, especially forces that would be in the vanguard of any renewed aggression against Ukraine" continuing to mass
3 years ago
МИД: Россия проводит военные учения, так как соседняя Украина и регион накачиваются оружием, последствия этих шагов непредсказуемы
3 years ago
"Kremlin approval of this appeal would amount to the Russian government's wholesale rejection of its commitments under the Minsk agreements," says @SecBlinken of Duma resolution on eastern Ukraine
3 years ago
Today FM @RauZbigniew held a phone call with FM of Ukraine @DmytroKuleba. The ministers discussed the security situation in and around Ukraine
3 years ago
Ukraine suffered the largest denial of service cyber attack in its history this week, the country's deputy prime minister has said
3 years ago
Верховная рада приняла решение о выходе Украины из соглашения СНГ о происхождении товаров и об отказе от сотрудничества в Антитеррористическом центре СНГ