5 Октябрь 2024
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:40). Белая Церковь, Васильков, Мироновка. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:39). Киев, Днепр, Черкассы, Краматорск. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:34). Киев. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Explosions now visible in the distance on Kharkiv live stream
Explosions now visible in the distance on Kharkiv live stream
Украинские пограничники: связи с нашими военнослужащими на Змейном, вероятно, захвачен остров2 год назад
Украинские пограничники: связи с нашими военнослужащими на Змейном, вероятно, захвачен остров
European Council conclusions on Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine2 год назад
European Council conclusions on Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine
2 год назад
Joint Staff(21:52): clashes near Kherson, Russian troops attempting to advance towards Mykolaiv. Clashes near Chernyhiv. Peremoha-Gluhiv in Kharkiv region. Dovzhanka-Dvorichna-Artemivka-Kotuzivla-Kharkiv-Derhavi-Dovzhyk-Muraha-Ohtyrka-Sumy line of defense
US sanctions Belarusian banks, defense industry, security officials over support for Russian invasion of Ukraine
2 год назад
The Pentagon: The additional forces include a combat armored battalion and will be deployed in Germany to reassure NATO allies
2 год назад
57 украинцев убиты, еще 169 получили ранения в результате российского вторжения в Украину.
Самолет Ан-26 ВКС России потерпел крушение в Воронежской области, экипаж погиб, сообщают в ЗВО.
U.S. expels Russia's second-ranking diplomat in Washington - AP
2 год назад
Russia detains nearly 1,400 at Ukraine anti-war protests: monitor
Biden announces he's ordering some of the 8,500 troops on alert in the US to Europe to help with the NATO Response Force
Biden says that today the US is blocking multiple large Russian banks including VTB, sanctioning Russian elites and family members, cutting off Russia's high tech imports which will prevent them from modernizing multiple industries such as their space program
2 год назад
Сообщается, что украинская армия вернула аэропорт Гостомель.
Downtown Moscow. Anti war protesters being arrested2 год назад
Downtown Moscow. Anti war protesters being arrested
2 год назад
The shell hit the Bucha crossing
2 год назад
UK to ban Aeroflot aircraft from landing in UK- Reuters
2 год назад
UK to sanction over 100 individuals, entities and subsidiaries- Reuters
2 год назад
Fighter jets audible over Kyiv just now. Can't say who they belong to
2 год назад
UK to impose asset freeze against all major Russian banks, immediate asset freeze against VTB- Reuters
2 год назад
Russian troops captured the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The station staff is held hostage
Jens Stoltenberg: Spoke with President Sauli @niinisto on Russia's attack on Ukraine. At our NATO Summit tomorrow our close partners Finland, Sweden & the EU will join us to address the greatest crisis for European security in a generation
Britain summons Russia's ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin, Russia's unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine2 год назад
Britain summons Russia's ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin, "Russia's unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine"
2 год назад
"The most problematic situation today is in the south. Our forces are engaging in fiery battles on the outskirts of Kherson, the enemy coming from occupied Crimea is trying to push towards Melitopol," says Zelensky
2 год назад
The Hostomel Airfield just North of Kyiv which was captured by Russian VDV earlier is currently under Heavy Counter-attack by the 4th Rapid Response Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine who have been ordered to retake the Airfield
2 год назад
Ukrainian army confirms fighting in the direction of Melitopol. With Russians advancing along the E105 highway amidst resistance
2 год назад
Red Cross chief says fears 'massive casualty numbers' in Ukraine
Ukrainian ambassador to US says Russia attacked hospitals in Ukraine and a fight is ongoing for control of the Chernobyl nuclear station