6 Жовтень 2024
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Повітряна тривога(13:40). Біла Церква, Васильків, Миронівка. Усім негайно в укриття!
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Повітряна тривога(13:39). Київ, Дніпро, Черкаси, Краматорськ . Усім негайно в укриття!
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Повітряна тривога(13:34). Київ. Усім негайно в укриття!
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Macron called Putin to 'demand immediate halt' to Russia offensive in Ukraine: Elysee
People in Ukraine's Kharkiv sleeping in the subway as battles rage above ground2 рік тому
People in Ukraine's Kharkiv sleeping in the subway as battles rage above ground
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Ukraine FM Kuleba:Was welcomed by @AndrzejDuda in Warsaw on my way back to Ukraine from the U.S. Polish leader expressed Poland's admiration for the Ukrainian Armed Forces which successfully fight back Russian aggression. Warsaw's practical help: additional weapons, money, humanitarian assistance
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The Kremlin: Putin and Macron discussed the war in Ukraine by phone
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A senior Defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, says that the Pentagon now believes Russian forces have lobbed more than 160 missiles into Ukraine. The official adds that the missiles are being launched from a mixture of ground and naval-based platforms
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Hostomel airfield near Kyiv under control of Ukrainian forces. This is very important and encouraging. It's a strategic object opening access to the capital. Ukrainian military expert on TV just said that it's better to destroy it, but not to allow it fall into enemy's hands
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У селі Сенькове Харківської області підірвали міст
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Explosions now visible in the distance on Kharkiv live stream
Explosions now visible in the distance on Kharkiv live stream
Українські прикордонники: зв'язку з нашими військовослужбовцями на Змейному, ймовірно, захоплено острів2 рік тому
Українські прикордонники: зв'язку з нашими військовослужбовцями на Змейному, ймовірно, захоплено острів
European Council conclusions on Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine2 рік тому
European Council conclusions on Russia's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine
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Joint Staff(21:52): clashes near Kherson, Russian troops attempting to advance towards Mykolaiv. Clashes near Chernyhiv. Peremoha-Gluhiv in Kharkiv region. Dovzhanka-Dvorichna-Artemivka-Kotuzivla-Kharkiv-Derhavi-Dovzhyk-Muraha-Ohtyrka-Sumy line of defense
US sanctions Belarusian banks, defense industry, security officials over support for Russian invasion of Ukraine
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The Pentagon: The additional forces include a combat armored battalion and will be deployed in Germany to reassure NATO allies
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57 українців вбито, ще 169 отримали поранення внаслідок російського вторгнення в Україну — повідомляє МОЗ
The An-26 aircraft of the Russian Air Forces crashed in the Voronezh region, the crew died
U.S. expels Russia's second-ranking diplomat in Washington - AP
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Russia detains nearly 1,400 at Ukraine anti-war protests: monitor
Biden announces he's ordering some of the 8,500 troops on alert in the US to Europe to help with the NATO Response Force
Biden says that today the US is blocking multiple large Russian banks including VTB, sanctioning Russian elites and family members, cutting off Russia's high tech imports which will prevent them from modernizing multiple industries such as their space program
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Повідомляється, що українська армія повернула аеропорт Гостомель
Downtown Moscow. Anti war protesters being arrested2 рік тому
Downtown Moscow. Anti war protesters being arrested
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Снаряд попав в бучанський переїзд
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UK to ban Aeroflot aircraft from landing in UK- Reuters
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UK to sanction over 100 individuals, entities and subsidiaries- Reuters
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Fighter jets audible over Kyiv just now. Can't say who they belong to
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UK to impose asset freeze against all major Russian banks, immediate asset freeze against VTB- Reuters
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Окупанти захопили Чорнобильську атомну електростанцію. Персонал станції перебуває у заручниках.