22 Грудень 2024
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Повітряна тривога(13:40). Біла Церква, Васильків, Миронівка. Усім негайно в укриття!
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Повітряна тривога(13:39). Київ, Дніпро, Черкаси, Краматорськ . Усім негайно в укриття!
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Повітряна тривога(13:34). Київ. Усім негайно в укриття!
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Zelensky says the White House is making the Russian invasion threat "as burning as possible" - "in my opinion, this is a mistake." Again criticizes withdrawals of staff/families from Western embassies - says the moves were "redundant and wrong"
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Зеленський: Я не думаю, що Білий дім дуже помиляється у своєму аналізі. Я думаю, що вони беруть участь у цій інформаційній ситуації, яка створюється навколо наших кордонів
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Зеленський каже, що "ми бачимо" 100 000 російських військових. "Якщо це станеться, це буде відкрита війна. Жахлива війна, і ми розуміємо ці речі"
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Zelensky says it was a "mistake" for Western embassies - the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia - to withdraw families and non-essential staff. "In these circumstances, everyone is essential"
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Zelensky says Putin invited him to Sochi, asks why there: "Do you want me to ski there?" Suggests Odessa instead. "Let's swim in the sea."
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Zelensky, still asking questions to Putin: "Why are you proposing things that won't work? This is just blunt cynicism at high level."
Zelensky: I don't want Ukraine to be a result between president Biden and President Putin. President Biden assured me that nothing will be decided behind Ukraine's back about the destiny and future about our country2 рік тому
Zelensky: I don't want Ukraine to be a result between president Biden and President Putin. President Biden assured me that nothing will be decided behind Ukraine's back about the destiny and future about our country
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Zelensky says he'd ask Putin: "Why do you need so many soldiers there?.... Why do you need to have drills specifically on that territory, on that border?... What is this sado-masochism? What is the pleasure of someone being afraid?"
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Зеленський каже, що сподівається на тристоронні переговори між США, Росією та Україною
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Zelensky: "I don't want Ukraine to be the result of an agreement between President Biden and President Putin"
Zelensky, president of Ukraine: If there is a war, tell which army or which country is going to come to defend us: none. But if Ukraine is in NATO and something happens, they would have to defend us and that is a very serious challenge2 рік тому
Zelensky, president of Ukraine: "If there is a war, tell which army or which country is going to come to defend us: none. But if Ukraine is in NATO and something happens, they would have to defend us and that is a very serious challenge"
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Zelensky, asked about Germany's role in the crisis, says Berlin has important influence in Europe. "That's why we expect you to help us"
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Zelensky wandering into internal Ukrainian divisions - talking about how oligarchs and some of the former political elite "don't care what is happening in the country."
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Зеленський: "Найбільший ризик - не втримати країну разом. Внутрішня дестабілізація. Це найслабша ланка"
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Zelensky hints that if war starts in Ukraine, there will also be Russian provocations against the Baltic states - asks whether NATO will act. "Are they convinced they will be protected, defended - that somebody's going to die for their statehood"
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Zelensky says he does see the threat of a proxy war involving cyberattacks and information warfare - possibly also "subversive" attacks (he mentions a grenade exploding). "The threat is constant.. We have learned to live with this"
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Зеленський, на запитання, що робить українська влада щоб підготуватися до можливого нападу, каже, що "не повинно бути паніки. У нас є потужна армія".
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Zelensky: "We have to be very careful in how we speak out.. We can't say that the war will happen tomorrow." Points out (correctly) that some analysts have been predicting imminent war since November
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Zelensky: "We may lose the economy of our country. People come first." Repeats that Russian threat is the same as in April 2021
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Sky News запитує Зеленського, чи применшує він загрозу російського нападу, щоб зберегти економіку України. Відповідає: Мені здається, ви помиляєте мене з іншим Президентом України
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Зеленський каже, що нарощування російської армії є психологічним тиском, спрямованим на те, щоб вплинути на переговори
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Zelensky speaking to foreign media: "If you look only at the satellites, you will see the increase of troops. You can't assess whether this is a threat, an attack, or a simple rotation"
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Zelensky asked a tough Question: What does he think he knows that President Biden doesn't know? Answer: "I think I have my own secrets, just like the President of the United States
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Zelensky, answering Question about money laundering, talks about post-Soviet oligarchs that plague both Russia and Ukraine. Says Russian escalation has distracted his government from de-oligarchization efforts
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Зеленський запитує, чому Захід каже, що введе санкції проти Росії лише після її нападу на Україну. Каже, що санкції призначені для захисту ЄС і НАТО, а не України
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Зеленський: Відверто скажіть, що ми ніколи не потрапимо в НАТО (якщо незабаром не буде чіткої дорожньої карти)
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Зеленський: "Ми зараз чудово розуміємо, що якщо ми не є частиною НАТО, то ми самі по собі в плані захисту себе"