19 سبتمبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 سنة منذ
Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 سنة منذ
Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
السيناتور مينينديز : رسالتنا مفادها أن العواقب ستكون مدمرة إذا غزا بوتين أوكرانيا
2 سنة منذ
الجيش الأمريكي: رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة أجرى محادثات مع نظرائه في النيتو بشأن الأزمة الأوكرانية
2 سنة منذ
Asked by @marthamaccallum if U.S. willing to scale back military activities in Eastern Europe as part of talks with Moscow, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby says, "We would be willing, if there's reciprocity on the Russian side," including reducing forces on Ukraine border
2 سنة منذ
President of Ukraine Zelensky discussed with UK PM Johnson the security situation around Ukraine
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: "We saw this playbook in 2014. They are preparing this playbook again," said Sullivan, adding that the administration will share more on this will the press in next 24 hours
Biden's National Security Advisor Sullivan says intelligence community sees that Russia may be preparing for fabricating pretext of an invasion of Ukraine. He adds that the US has not determined yet that Putin has decided on military path forward
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan says the admin will be sharing with press "in the next 24 hours" what US officials have seen Russia doing in terms of disinfo to create a pretext to invade Ukraine
US doesn't believe Russia "definitively decided" on Ukraine invasion, Sullivan says
On Russia aggression to Ukraine, we're ready either way, said @JakeSullivan46 - diplomacy or "respond robustly to any naked aggression that might occur"
2 سنة منذ
Pentagon says about 2/3rds of the Russian troops around Ukraine came from other parts of Russia. About a third were already in the western or southern military districts
2 سنة منذ
U.S. Defense Secretary Austin spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart and reaffirmed Washington's commitment to helping Ukraine defend itself, Pentagon says
2 سنة منذ
Petrol tankers all over Ukraine could not leave oil storages after database of tax service went down on Thursday morning. Access restored late evening, only few stations went out off fuel
LAUNCH. Falcon 9 launches with the Transporter-3 (105 satellites.) mission from SLC-402 سنة منذ
LAUNCH. Falcon 9 launches with the Transporter-3 (105 satellites.) mission from SLC-40
LAUNCH. Falcon 9 launches with the Transporter-3 (105 satellites.) mission from SLC-40
2 سنة منذ
Minister of National Defense of Turkey Hulusi Akar Receives Vasil Bodnar, Ambassador of Ukraine to Ankara
2 سنة منذ
U.S. ambassador to OSCE says the drumbeat of war is sounding loud and the rhetoric has gotten rather shrill
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Russia's rep to OSCE says today that Russia's proposals are "essentially a moment of truth that should determine whether we will agree on those lines that cannot be crossed. or the situation will follow a scenario that can lead to catastrophic consequences
2 سنة منذ
مسؤول السياسة الخارجية في الاتحاد الأوروبي: نجهز خطة لتدريب كبار الضباط في الجيش الأوكراني
2 سنة منذ
Foreign Minister of Ukraine Kuleba: Ukraine and the OSCE are unanimous - Russia must implement the Helsinki Accords
2 سنة منذ
The Russian Federation will not discuss the unacceptable demands of the United States about the "withdrawal to the barracks" of Russian troops on its territory, - Lavrov said
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Borrell, top European diplomat, says Nord Stream 2 and Ukraine are indeed connected. "As you'd imagine, you can't sanction Russia with one hand and open that infrastructure" with the other
Minister @RauZbigniew said last he will pay his first foreign visit as the @OSCE chairman to Ukraine. He will visit also the eastern parts of the country2 سنة منذ
Minister @RauZbigniew said last he will pay his first foreign visit as the @OSCE chairman to Ukraine. He will visit also the eastern parts of the country
2 سنة منذ
Russian foreign minister says Moscow will respond to any U.S. sanctions
2 سنة منذ
Lavrov: the freedom of some states to join unions should not undermine the security of other states
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The US and NATO categorically reject Russia's right to claim guarantees of non-expansion of the alliance, - Russian FM Sergei Lavrov
2 سنة منذ
وزير الدفاع الفرنسية: اتفقنا على الرد على أي اعتداء روسي على أوكرانيا بحزمة من العقوبات الشديدة
2 سنة منذ
Ryabkov: the most unthinkable things may come to the heads of the Ukrainian authorities, it is necessary to put an end to this
2 سنة منذ
Military offered Putin options in case of deterioration of situation around Ukraine, but diplomacy must be given a chance - Russian deputy FM Ryabkov