8 September 2024
2 year ago
Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Security Service of Ukraine detained suspected Russian agent in Odesa, who planned terror attacks, including painting monuments and arson attacks on volunteer organizations offices
Protesters gathering at Appeal court of Kyiv before hearing in Poroshenko case2 year ago
Protesters gathering at Appeal court of Kyiv before hearing in Poroshenko case
USAF  RC-135V Rivet Joint HOMER51 active off teh coast of Crimea and USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE12 en route to Ukraine2 year ago
USAF RC-135V Rivet Joint HOMER51 active off teh coast of Crimea and USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE12 en route to Ukraine
Lukashenka: we will return Ukraine to our Slavic brotherhood2 year ago
Lukashenka: we will return Ukraine to our Slavic brotherhood
2 year ago
Joint Forces Operation: 2 ceasefire violations yesterday. In Luhansk region infiltration attempt foiled
The White House says President Joe Biden warned Ukraine's president Thursday that there is a "distinct possibility" Russia could take military action against Ukraine in February
The United Kingdom supports @USUN in calling for a meeting of the Security Council on Ukraine next week. The build up of Russian forces on Ukraine's border is a matter of crucial importance to international peace and security
WH readout of Biden-Zelensky call:
2 year ago
President Zelensky: Had a long phone conversation with @POTUS. Discussed recent diplomatic efforts on de-escalation and agreed on joint actions for the future. Thanked President @JoeBiden for the ongoing military assistance. Possibilities for financial support to Ukraine were also discussed
Meeting with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store of Norway, another item that was not previously listed on @POTUS schedule
"An incursion could be imminent" per @PentagonPresSec. "We'd like to see a deescalation. We'd like to see those [Russian] troops go back home" he adds, reiterating @DeptofDefense believes there's still a chance for diplomacy to prevail
.@StateDeptSpox, asked about criticism of US rhetoric & ordered departure of family members from Kyiv, responds: "I do not think us voicing our concerns regarding what Moscow may well have in store is bringing us any closer to conflict"
EUCOM commander Gen. Tod Wolters as a combatant commander "can move forces around interests at his own discretion," Kirby said, but "there is a constant dialogue between general Walters and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, as well as [SecDef Austin
US troops based in Europe have also been placed on alert for possible deployment to bolster NATO defenses - @PentagonPresSec
2 year ago
Josep Borrell Fontelles: Debriefed @DmytroKuleba in phone call on this week's Foreign Affairs Council and EU-US ministerial discussions. Conveyed continued and strong determination and unity in support for Ukraine. We work on more ways to assist Kyiv in facing wide scale of challenges and threats
US seeing "more accumulation of credible combat forces" in past 24 hours by Russia in areas surrounding Ukraine, including in Belarus, per @PentagonPresSec
"We still believe there is time & space for diplomacy" per @PentagonPresSec on Russia-Ukraine. But says lack of results is reason for additional/continued US support for Ukraine
2 year ago
MORE on US troops: those on heightened alert include elements of the 82nd Airborne, per @PentagonPresSec
US troops placed on heightened alert due to Russia-Ukraine situation based at Fort Bragg, Fort Carson, other bases to include medical support, aviation support, logistics support & combat ready units, per @PentagonPresSec. Kirby adds still NO deployment orders
US urges China to use 'influence' with Russia to discourage Ukraine invasion
Victoria Nuland @UnderSecStateP says Nord Stream 2 "will not move forward" if Russia invade Ukraine, which goes farther than what Germany has said publicly
Military equipment at Maslovka station in Voronezh region2 year ago
Military equipment at Maslovka station in Voronezh region
Truck with missile containers filmed in Rostov-on-Don
2 year ago
Zelensky and Biden will have a telephone conversation today - Office of President. To discuss issues of security, escalation and providing Ukraine with additional assistance
2 year ago
Ukrainian peacekeepers targeted ADF - Allied Democratic Forces camp in Kivu
"SHAME" is scrawled in spray paint on the sidewalk in front of the Belarusian embassy in D.C
Official announcement of German chancellor's visit to DC to meet with Biden on Feb 7