19 September 2024
2 year ago
Bila Tserkva, Vasylkiv, Myronivka(13:40). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv, Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kramators’k(13:39). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
2 year ago
Kyiv(13:34). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Stoltenberg: NATO is prepared for "a new armed conflict in Europe" should negotiations fail "I am aware of Russia's history. For centuries they have experienced conflict with neighbours," he told the Financial Times. "[But] Russia has an alternative: to co-operate, to work with Nato"
NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg to @FT: - "NATO has warned Moscow to abandon its belligerent foreign policy and co-operate with the west or face a military alliance steeled for conflict"
.@JakeTapper: "Former Secretary Panetta said what drives Putin is desire to restore the old Soviet Union, do you agree?"- @SecBlinken: I think that's right, That is one of President Putin's objectives and it is to re-exert sphere of influence"
Blinken: - We've made it clear that we will continue to provide and supply Ukraine with defensive military equipment to be able to defend itself
Blinken: - one country can't dictate to another it foreign policy and choices including with whom it will associate, one country can't exhort a sphere of influence to subjugate its neighbors
Blinken: - Russia has repeatedly committed acts of aggression against neighbors: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine - Fundamental principal of international security is at the stake: one country can't change the borders of another by force
Secretary Blinken on talks with Russia: 1. Any progress on reciprocal basis 2. Nothing happening without Europe 3. Hard to see making actual progress in atmosphere of escalation with a gun to Ukraine's head
"If we're actually going to make progress, we're going to have to see deescalation, Russia pulling back from the threat that it currently poses to Ukraine," - Blinken
Blinken warns Russia of risk of 'confrontation' ahead of talks start
"If we're actually going to make progress, we're going to have to see deescalation, Russia pulling back from the threat that it currently poses to Ukraine," says Secretary of State Antony Blinken on pivotal US-Russia talks slated in Geneva this week
2 year ago
Joly won't rule out sending weapons to Ukraine over Russian military offensive, says Ottawa 'actively' engaged
2 year ago
Russian Black Sea fleet conducted exercises in occupid Crimea, focus to repel an attack from unmanned aerial vehicles
2 year ago
Joint Forces Operation: 8 ceasefire violations yesterday, 1 Ukrainian serviceman wounded
2 year ago
Russia said it was "disappointed" by signals from US and NATO a day before the talks in Geneva on Ukraine's crisis, and that the US is insisting on unilateral Russian concessions
Canadian Armed Forces Airbus CC-150 Polaris inbound Kyiv2 year ago
Canadian Armed Forces Airbus CC-150 Polaris inbound Kyiv
Secretary Antony Blinken:A pleasure to speak with @JosepBorrellF to further close U.S.-EU coordination on responses to shared challenges, including Russian aggression against Ukraine and PRC attempts to coerce Lithuania
On Sunday evening in Geneva, Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman will meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov over a working dinner to discuss the topics for the Strategic Stability Dialogue on Monday, per a State Department spox
At talks in Geneva the US is willing to discuss with Russia the possibility of reciprocal limits on missile deployments in the region, says a US official
Negotiating with Russia the force posture or number of US troops in Europe is "not on the table" during upcoming talks in Geneva, a US official tells reporters
Senior Admin official says topics up for discussion in talks with Russianext week include: -Missiles, both in Ukraine and intermediate-range missiles elsewhere in Europe. -Military exercises close to each other's borders, including bombers and ground-based exercises
New York Times: U.S. has discussed with allies cutting off Russia's largest financial institutions from global transactions, imposing an embargo on some American-made technology, and arming insurgents in Ukraine if Russia invades the country
Jens Stoltenberg: Always good to meet @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen. We discussed Russia's military buildup in & around Ukraine & implications for European security. NATO continues to coordinate with our strategic partner the EU as we prepare for the meeting in the NATO-Russia council
Secretary Antony Blinken:Diplomacy is the only responsible way to resolve this crisis. We are committed to meaningful reciprocal dialogue with Russia & consultation and coordination with our Allies & partners. We prefer diplomacy, but stand ready to respond to further Russian aggression against Ukraine
"It is in our direct interest that the reinforcement of NATO's Eastern Flank took place now and immediately," - Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of @Riigikogu @markomihkelson
Joint Forces Operation: 3 ceasefire violations yesterday
MFA of Canada: Canada and our @NATO allies are united in our support for Ukraine and its people.  Russia must de-escalate and engage in meaningful dialogue— any military incursion into Ukraine will have serious consequences, including coordinated sanctions2 year ago
MFA of Canada: Canada and our @NATO allies are united in our support for Ukraine and its people. Russia must de-escalate and engage in meaningful dialogue— any military incursion into Ukraine will have serious consequences, including coordinated sanctions
US Department of State: In fact, we have been clear with Russia, publicly and privately, that should Russia further invade Ukraine we would reinforce our @NATO partners on the eastern flank, to whom we have sacred obligation as Allies