20 Сентябрь 2024
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:40). Белая Церковь, Васильков, Мироновка. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:39). Киев, Днепр, Черкассы, Краматорск. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
Воздушная тревога(13:34). Киев. Всем срочно в укрытие!
2 год назад
-US Navy P8 Poseidon AE6829 orbiting off the coast of #Cyprus -Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet Sergey Balk Tug
2 год назад
Asked by @humeyra_pamuk if the US is planning to evacuate its embassy in Kyiv, @SecBlinken said they would have more to say about the embassy "in the coming hours," noting that it is something they've "been continuing to focus on
2 год назад
.@SecBlinken says he will speak with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov today
2 год назад
Blinken: If Putin decides to launch military action, we will impose severe sanctions on Russia
2 год назад
Более 30 кораблей Черноморского флота вышли в море из Севастополя и Новороссийска по плану учения
USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE12 keeping an eye on all flanks2 год назад
USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE12 keeping an eye on all flanks
2 год назад
Services in Russian consulates in Ukraine restricted as diplomats preparing to leave
2 год назад
U.S. officials say the United States is preparing to evacuate its embassy in Kyiv as Western intelligence officials warn that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is increasingly imminent
Под Валуйками Белгородской области сняли большую военную колонну2 год назад
Под Валуйками Белгородской области сняли большую военную колонну
2 год назад
.@SecDef "made clear that the United States continues to see signs of Russian escalation, including new forces arriving at the Ukrainian border" per @PentagonPresSec "He also reiterated that we are in the window when an invasion could begin at any time" #Russia-#Ukraine
2 год назад
Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba on Friday to discuss the "increasingly acute threat of possible further Russian aggression," according to a State Department readout
An evacuation plan has been approved in Kyiv, - Klitschko said2 год назад
An evacuation plan has been approved in Kyiv, - Klitschko said
Global Hawk FORTE12 airborne for late night mission2 год назад
Global Hawk FORTE12 airborne for late night mission
2 год назад
Путин и Байден планируют провести телефонный разговор вечером 12 февраля, он состоится по запросу американской стороны - Песков
Two independent sources claim US utilities companies are placed on high alert, following peaks of malware deployment at many of them in the last days. Expectation is for simultaneous muscle-flexing cyber attacks on US companies
.@thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley also held calls with:   Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Britain. Topics included ongoing coordination during the adjustment of US force posture in Europe2 год назад
.@thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley also held calls with: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Britain. Topics included "ongoing coordination during the adjustment of US force posture in Europe"
Call between @thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley & Chair of the @NATO Military Committee Adm. Rob Bauer  Per US, they discussed NATO's current operations and ongoing coordination during the adjustment of US force posture in Europe2 год назад
Call between @thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley & Chair of the @NATO Military Committee Adm. Rob Bauer Per US, they "discussed NATO's current operations and ongoing coordination during the adjustment of US force posture in Europe"
US readout of call between @thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley & Chief of Russian General Staff Gen Valery Gerasimov   They discussed several security-related issues of concern but have agreed to keep the specific details of their conversation private2 год назад
US readout of call between @thejointstaff Chair Gen Mark Milley & Chief of Russian General Staff Gen Valery Gerasimov They discussed "several security-related issues of concern" but "have agreed to keep the specific details of their conversation private"
2 год назад
US State Department is calling US citizens here in Ukraine and telling them they should leave the country immediately. It's not an automated message. A real person is on the line asking if people have made travel arrangements. @Kiehart just got that call here in Kyiv
One source from today's North Atlantic Council: "the situation is really serious, really worrying but not yet fatal". "next week will be decisive". Another NAC on Monday but ambassadors are on standby to meet already on Sun
The Biden administration has made a decision to send 3,000 additional troops from the 82 Airborne to Poland in the coming days amid growing concern about Russia's growing military presence near Ukraine, U.S. officials tell Reuters
'Expect' Biden to call Putin soon. 'We are trying to stop a war,' national security adviser says
Sullivan: We're trying to prevent a war in Europe and protect our resources
Despite reports that Putin has made a decision to invade, @JakeSullivan46 says "our view is that we do not believe he has made any kind of final decision, or we don't know that he has made any final decision
White House national security adviser says a 'rapid assault' by Russian forces on Ukraine's capital city of Kyiv is a possibility
"We are not saying that a final decision has been taken by President Putin," Sullivan says, but stresses Russian military action could happen "any day now"
Sullivan takes a more urgent plea with Americans still in Ukraine: He said they should leave within the next 24-48 hours. "The risk is now high enough and the threat is immediate enough but prudence demands that it is the time to leave now," he says